

Thursday 27 June 2024

Been M.I.A


No card today! just thought I'd put a pic of Bertie up after he's been in the pond for a cool down! This was late evening so he wasn't out in the heat. I will be back soon with a card or two but I've had my family up from Sussex (all 6 of them!) so that was so busy and then I had a quick visit to see our Son in Liverpool while he was off for a long weekend ...so I'm completely wiped out LOL. I will try and get round to do some commenting very soon I promise xx

Take care huggles xxxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Hope Bertie is behaving himself, he looks very happy. Wiped out with happiness is good Sue, long may it continue. x

Chris said...

Aww, just look at that happy boy- nothing like a good cool down in a pond at the end of a hot day!!! xxx

Janette said...

Good to see you back Sue, Bertie looks delighted with himself, so nice to see that sweet face. You must have had a lovely time with the family and then seeing your son, happy days. xx

cuilliesocks said...

Well, Bertie is one handsome boy, I think he's born to the camera judging by this fab photo. Sounds like you've had a busy time of it, Kate x

Sarah said...

He is such a lovely boy Sue, I bet he's had great fun getting to know everyone!! xx