

Saturday 1 June 2024

June Challenge - Crafty Calendar - 'For A Child'


Hi everyone! it's time for our June challenge at Crafty Calendar and the theme this month is 'For A Child' and we are being sponsored by the fab RAM Stamps (Rachelle Anne Miller) and I chose this cute image called Giraffe and Bird. Please pop on over and see what my teamies have made and join in the fun! images to be won.
Well a lot is happening in June...my brother and his family are visiting from East Sussex..can't wait!!! and then the week after that we are visiting our Son in Liverpool haven't been for awhile so we are so looking forward to that. 
Have a great weekend lots of huggles xxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxx


Janette said...

Love this cute image Sue, lovely card.
You sound very busy with alot to look forward to. Hope you have some nice family times. xx

Chris said...

Such a sweet card for a little one, love this cute image-lovely to colour too!

A busy month ahead for sure Sue, some lovely family time to look forward to.
Hope little Ethan continues to do well- I bet you can't wait to show him off to your family. Hope Bertie's behaving himself!

meg said...

A fabulous CAS style baby card Sue, have a wonderful time with your family

Sarah said...

Such an adorable giraffe Sue and I love how you have coloured him. Sounds like you are going to be a busy bee, have fun xx

Inkyfingers said...

What an adorable design, Sue and such a cute image. I really like the soft inking in the background. You are going to have a busy month but I hope it will be a fun one.
Hope you are well,
Carol x

Craftychris said...

Hello, sorry I have been away for so long - I am back now! Love this super cute card - it's absolutely gorgeous! It looks like you are going to have a busy but fabulous June. Take care. Hugs xxx💖💖💖