

Saturday 3 August 2024

August Challenge - Crafty Calendar


Well it's been such a long time since I blogged and such a lot has gone on! This is my DT card for Crafty Calendar Challenge and the theme this month is 'Anything Goes' nice and simple and we have a prize which is 2 sets of Studio Light Grunge Stamps ..so pop on over and join in!!

I have been away from blogging because I went into hospital for a procedure on my stomach and then 'the hubster' went in! (can't do anything on my own can I?) and he's still in. Firstly he face palmed the floor twice..second time breaking his nose and blood all over because it wouldn't stop because he's on blood thinners. Anyway he got took into hospital where they found his hemoglobin levels were dangerously low so he's had to have blood transfusions and also iron fusions..he's also waiting for a scan so hopefully he will be home soon. Anyhoooooo I haven't felt like blogging at all so sorry for being MIA...and we were due to go to our Nephew's wedding today so we are really sad that we couldn't go.

Here are 2 photo's that hopefully cheer you up after all the doom and gloom..Ethan smiling at his Nana xxx

and of course Bertie who cannot resist the water and the mud! So apologies again for not posting or commenting and I'll try my best to get back on track! Lots of huggles xxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxx


Liz said...

Gorgeous card Sue, adorable image. Sorry to hear that you and Paul are having a tough time. What a shame you have to miss the wedding, hopefully you will be able to see photos soon. Take care.
Liz xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

It's time for you and hubby Sue, forget all of us. Wishing you both well and with a quick recovery. Delightful photos. Your card is wonderful, love the image and card design. x

Chris said...

Well Sue, that's another Mo image I need to add to my list! It's adorable and your card is gorgeous.
Hope you're looking after yourself and Paul is well enough to come home soon.
What a fabulous way to end your post- who could resist Ethan's beautiful big smile- and as for Bertie, I reckon he could give my Marvin a run for his money! Two happy mud monsters, I often wonder how dogs get those tongues back in their mouths

meg said...

A wonderful Christmas card Sue,so sorry to read that you've both been unwell,hope Paul is home soon.Two beautiful pics,Ethan looks like a happy baby

LesleyG said...

Oh gosh Sue, I hope you have recovered ok, and that your hubby is on the mend. Love your cute cards, they made me smile xxx

Janette said...

Oh Sue that card is adorable, I must get him out to play, its shameful to own so many images and not print up, so thanks for the inspo;
Sorry to hear you have both been in the wars, I really hope Paul is home soon and feeling much better too.
The pics at the end are just amazing, Ethan is gorgeous and that smile, wow. Bertie is adorable, what a mucky pup, haha. Take care. xx

coldwaters2 said...

Beautiful card Sue and certainly don't apologise I am so sorry to hear of the problems that you and your hubby are going through hope all will be well
lolo x