

Saturday 6 July 2024

'Things With Wings' - Sweet Stampin Challenge


Well it's a long time since I've done 2 blogs in one day! It's our 'just for fun' challenge at Sweet Stampin and the theme is 'Things With Wings'...please pop on over and see what my teamies have made and join in the fun!
Lots of huggles xxxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Crafty Calendar July Challenge 'Add A Sentiment'

 Hi everyone! it's time for our monthly challenge at Crafty Calendar and we are sponsored by the fab Sheepski Designs and this is Romeo lol and I made a tag instead of a card.
We went out for a meal last night to celebrate our Daughter's birthday and of course I had Nana cuddles from Ethan..it was so lovely to have my oldest Grandson and youngest there and 'the hubster' took a lovely photo but he hasn't sent me it yet! 
I have a hospital appointment on Monday to see how my tummy is getting along I've had a lot of pain lately so I'm hoping it's okay and nothing drastic as we have my Nephews wedding the first week of August and we are travelling down to Ashford in Kent for a long weekend. 
Anyway I hope you are all okay and lots of huggles xxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxx

Wednesday 3 July 2024

#599 - Fab'n'Funky Challenge - Seaside (Boats, Beaches, Bikinis)


Time for our 'just for fun' challenge at Fab'n'Funky and our host this fortnight is the lovely Pat K and the theme is 'Seaside'. Pop on over and join in and see what the rest of the DT have made! 
Take care and lots of huggles xxxx Sue xxxxxxxxx

Thursday 27 June 2024

Been M.I.A


No card today! just thought I'd put a pic of Bertie up after he's been in the pond for a cool down! This was late evening so he wasn't out in the heat. I will be back soon with a card or two but I've had my family up from Sussex (all 6 of them!) so that was so busy and then I had a quick visit to see our Son in Liverpool while he was off for a long weekend ...so I'm completely wiped out LOL. I will try and get round to do some commenting very soon I promise xx

Take care huggles xxxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 19 June 2024

#598 Fab'n'Funky Challenge - 'Anniversary'

 Hi everyone! it's time for our 'just for fun' challenge at Fab'n'Funky and the theme this fortnight is 'Anniversary' so I have used this sweet image from Mo's Digitals.

I haven't been around much because it's been very busy...I've had my family up from East Sussex and then I have had a quick visit to see my Son in Liverpool...so it's been hectic lol.
Hope everyone is fit and well and take care and lots of huggles xxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 8 June 2024

Sweet Stampin Challenge


Hi everyone! it's time for our 'just for fun' challenge at Sweet Stampin and the theme this fortnight is 'Father's Day' so I have chosen this sweet digi from LOTV and papers from Nitwits and I'm giving this to 'the hubster' from Bertie lol ..
Come and join in the fun would be great to see your creations...take care and have a lovely weekend! I have my brother and all his family staying with us right now so it's a bit manic hahaha 
Take care and lots of huggles xxxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 5 June 2024

#597 Fab'n'Funky Challenge - 'Circles


Hi everyone it's time for our 'just for fun' challenge  at Fab'n'Funky and the theme this fortnight is 'Circles' and that was chosen by our lovely Pat. Pop on over and see what the rest of my teamies have created and join in the fun!
At least the weather has improved a lot we have had sunshine for 6 days now..so fingers crossed it stays that way lol
Take care and huggles xxxxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxx