

Wednesday 26 July 2023

#578 Fab 'n' Funky 'Summer Fun'


It's time again for our 'just for fun' challenge at Fab 'n' Funky and our host this week is the lovely Chris and she chose 'Summer Fun'...and I have used a Polkadoodles digi for my card..she is totally chilling in the sunshine.
It's a bit warmer here today we've had a lot of rain in the passed few days ..Ollie is going to the vets for a check up on his arthritis and we have bought him a step so he can cuddle on the sofa with us because he can't jump up now poor old man....and he does love his cuddles. Take care lots of huggles xxxxxxxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


meg said...

A fabulous image teamed with a gorgeous paper and embellishments,she looks really chilled out

Janette said...

Beautiful card, lovely image and pretty paper, its sweet.
Hope all goes well at the vet for Ollie, sad we all get old and creaky :)). xx

Pat said...

Lovely card Sue, the image is so sweet and your colours are gorgeous.

Pat xx

Chris said...

A lovely image Sue, she does look as if she's enjoying the summer! Your colours and design are so pretty- always impressed how you get your dots so straight and evenly spaced, mine always seem to wobble about a bit!
Hope Ollie gets on ok at the vets and continues to enjoy his cuddles now he has a new step. xxx

jimlynn said...

Fantastic coloring on this beauty! Love your card Sue. SO very pretty.
Hope Ollie has a good check-up at the vet. The step up for the couch will help a lot - and yes, they do need the cuddles.

Liz said...

Wonderful card Sue, I love the colour combination. xx

Brenda said...

What a cute and fun card Sue! I love that sweet image, this little girl looks like she is having a wonderful tea and biscuit party outside! Love how you have colored her and love that doily she is on. Send that rain to me, we need it! LOL I love that you got Ollie a step so he can cuddle on the sofa with you guys. They do enjoy a good snuggle just like us! Hope all goes well at the vet for him as well. Hugs, Brenda

cuilliesocks said...

A real sweet card Sue, lovely image and colours.
Poor Ollie, getting old just sucks, Kate x

Pat K said...

Sweet image,lovely colours and design on your pretty card Sue. Sounds like the step is the perfect answer to getting those much needed cuddles. Well done. xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Loving those images, Sue, wonderfully coloured and a fabulous card. We had the heating on during the thrashing rain last night, it got so cold! I hope we have more Summer before it's too late, What a great idea to get a step up for Ollie.
Faith x

Lisa said...

Very lovely Polkadoodles image. Love the papers and colors you added to her.