

Saturday 19 August 2023

Anniversaries/Weddings with Sweet Stampin 'Just For Fun' Challenge

 Time for our 'just for fun' challenge at Sweet Stampin and this time the theme is 'Anniversaries/Weddings' and I have chosen this cute LOTV wedding image for my card.

Ollie was a good boy yesterday at the vet's...so he's done and dusted. Our Granddaughter was happy with her 'spends' we gave her for her holidays yesterday and we are picking her up to take her for new school shoes and a trip to Pizza Hut. She is the last Grandchild to get shoes bought...we did it for all of our Grandkids...but the eldest two have left school a long time ago now so ...it was always shoes..boots and Winter coat and jacket for the Summer lol. 

Anyhooooooo must dash take care lots of huggles xxxx Sue xxxxx


meg said...

A sweet beautifully coloured image the perfect wedding card

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Absolutely fabulous, love every detail. You have been busy with your cards. I think I've caught up?
Faith x

jimlynn said...

Sweet card - and so pretty too. Loving the gingham paper and those pretty flowers. Precious image that's colored to perfection!

Liz said...

Fabulous wedding card, Sue. Cute image and I love how you've used the gingham for the flowers as well as the background. xx

Janette said...

So pretty, lovely image and the pink gingham is delightful Sue.
Glad all was well for Ollie. You sound like me with your grandchildren, its so nice to help out and do things each time isn't it. xx

Sarah said...

What a gorgeous card and I love the co-ordinating flowers, so pretty xx

Chris said...

A sweet and lovely wedding card Sue, the cutest bride and groom framed by the pretty gingham paper and fab die cut flowers.
Hope you had a good time with your granddaughter, it's lovely to be able to treat them to lunch and I'm sure the school shoes will be much appreciated. I'm always being told off for 'spoiling' the granddaughters but I thought that was what grandchildren are for! xxx

Brenda said...

What a cute, cute, cute wedding or anniversary card Sue! The image just makes me smile from ear to ear. And you have made it into a darling card, loving the pink gingham and those flowers!

Glad Ollie made out well at the vets and is good to go. I can imagine your granddaughter was happy with her "spends". Even sweeter is the trip for new shoes and to Pizza Hut to eat! Fun!!! Love the relationship you both have with your grandchildren! Hugs, Brenda

Lisa said...

This image is so perfect for a wedding card. Some of my friends kids are getting married and a young image would be perfect for them as I feel like they are just babies....but alas they are adults. Hard to see these kids getting married but I know they are all grown up now.