

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Chilling Out


Having a bit of a relaxing day ...yesterday was busy with all the travelling and 'the hubster's' appointment. It seemed to be going well until we went in and the nurse in charge said 'Oh you can put the bag down there' not to me but to Paul ..it was his VAD bag that is attached to him! So I thought great if you have no clue what that bag is today's appointment can only get better!!! then she said 'Oh I've never seen them before!' cor blimey my blood pressure went up a notch. Luckily for Paul she wasn't doing the tests LOL ... Anyway everything is fine so that was a bonus...I suffer badly with anxiety (have done since his first heart attack)  and things like that make me worse..I'm so over protective of him I can't help it after all he's been through. 

Anyhooooo having time in my craft room after a bit of quick housework and I made this card..first time I've tried to do a background like this and comments welcome pleaseeeee because not sure if it's ok. 

Take care and lots of huggles xxxxx Sue xxxxxxxxxxxx


meg said...

A fabulous background and card Sue,
Your experience of a nurse not knowing about the equipment Paul has doesn't surprise me,I refused to have my post op observations done until the nurse washed her hands,I watched her attend 2 other patients without cleaning her hands of the equipment, makes me ashamed of the standards some have today.

Sarah said...

Glad that all was well with Pauls' appointment. My Martin had a breakdown three years ago and now suffers massively with anxiety so i fully understand how such situations can cause so much suffering. Hope you are ok Sue. Anyway, your card is gorgeous and you have done an amazing job with the background on that frosty winter scene. I have been playing with ink at the mo and am looking for more inspiration and your wintry sky is one I will try and copy xx

Chris said...

Glad all was good with Paul yesterday- and glad you didn't have a panic attack! I can understand why you are so anxious on his behalf, you've been through so much together and spent a lot of time worrying about him.
Good thing that nurse wasn't doing the testing!!
Your card is beautiful -a lovely tranquil scene, the wintery sky looks amazing- isn't it fun to try new techniques.

jimlynn said...

So glad your husband is ok - but oh my! I can just imagine how frustrating and scary that had to have been. All is well though and that's what matters.
The background AND entire card is fantastic! A beautiful scene and I love it.

Liz said...

Glad to hear that Paul’s tests were fine, although it sounds like it was a scary time for you, Sue.
Your card is wonderful, a really lovely scene. xx

LesleyG said...

Your winter scene is gorgeous, and love the sparkly stars. Glad your Paul is doing ok. Anxiety is awful, so I hope you relax as much as possible, and the craft room is perfect for that! Hugs xxx

Janette said...

Oh hell that would have scared the life out of me I promise you Sue, thankfully she wasn't doing any tests.
Your card is gorgeous, a very pretty scene. xx

cuilliesocks said...

What a pity the nurse added to your anxiety Sue, someone who doesn't thing before engaging their brain. Good though that Paul's appointment went well.
Your card is gorgeous, I love that little Winter scene, lots of lovely sparkle too, Kate x

Lisa said...

Nice touches of sparkle for this cute wintery scene.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! My goodness, I would have panicked too Sue, she needs to watch what she says to patients, sorry, they are Clients now! grrr. SO many things have changed, and not for the better in the NHS. I'm glad it all went well, though.
Your card is amazing, I LOVE the background and the wonderful scene you created.
Faith x

Brenda said...

Wow Sue, that would have scared me too if a nurse did that to my husband! I can't even imagine her not knowing what his bag was. I think she needs a bit more training. LOL Thank goodness she wasn't doing the testing! I have bad anxieties to after Dwayne's diagnose and after he passed. I kept a watchful eye on the nurses and such when he was getting his treatments. Luckily for us, he had excellent nurses! Then the anxieties got bad after his passing. He fixed everything, so I didn't even know who to call when things broke around here. No fun is Mr. Anxiety! Glad all went well with the testing and I don't blame you for being over protective of hubby. I've always been that way with Dwayne and the boys myself.

Wow, I love this card Sue! The scene is just gorgeous! I can feel the night cold in the air as the wispy white areas look like cold seeping over the cabin. Your sky is amazing looking with the big ole moon! Love, love, love this card! Hugs, Brenda